Download The Narrow Gate for Free and Learn How to Follow Jesus Christ
Free Download The Narrow Gate: A Guide to Finding the True Path
Have you ever wondered if you are on the right track in your spiritual journey? Do you want to know how to enter the kingdom of God and enjoy eternal life? If so, you need to read The Narrow Gate, a book that reveals the truth about salvation and discipleship. In this article, you will learn what The Narrow Gate is, why it is important to find the true path, and how you can download it for free. You will also discover the benefits and challenges of reading this book, and how it can transform your life and faith.
free download The Narrow Gate
What is The Narrow Gate?
The Narrow Gate is a book written by John MacArthur, a renowned pastor and Bible teacher. It is based on his sermon series on Matthew 7:13-27, where Jesus teaches about the two ways, the two trees, and the two foundations. In this book, MacArthur explains what these metaphors mean and how they apply to us today. He shows us how to distinguish between the broad way that leads to destruction and the narrow way that leads to life. He also exposes the false prophets who deceive many people with their smooth words and outward appearance. He urges us to build our lives on the solid rock of Christ's words, rather than on the shifting sand of human opinions.
Why is it important to find the true path?
Finding the true path is important because it determines our eternal destiny. Jesus said that only a few people will enter through the narrow gate, while many will go through the wide gate. He also said that not everyone who calls Him Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only those who do the will of His Father. These are sobering words that challenge us to examine ourselves and see if we are truly saved or not. Many people think they are Christians because they go to church, pray, or do good deeds, but they may be deceived by their own feelings or by false teachers. The true path is not about religion, but about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. It is not about following rules, but about following Him. It is not about being good enough, but about trusting in His grace.
How can you download The Narrow Gate for free?
You can download The Narrow Gate for free by visiting this website: There you will find a link to download the PDF version of the book, as well as links to listen to or watch the sermon series online. You can also order a hard copy of the book from Amazon or other online retailers for a small price.
The Benefits of Reading The Narrow Gate
It helps you understand the gospel message
One of the benefits of reading The Narrow Gate is that it helps you understand the gospel message clearly and biblically. MacArthur does not sugarcoat or water down the gospel, but presents it as it is: the good news of God's love and justice, of Christ's death and resurrection, of sin and forgiveness, of faith and repentance, of grace and obedience. He explains what it means to be born again, to be justified by faith, to be sanctified by the Spirit, to be adopted by the Father, and to be glorified with the Son. He also answers common questions and objections that people have about the gospel, such as: How can a loving God send people to hell? How can I know if I am saved? What about those who have never heard of Jesus? Reading this book will help you grasp the essentials of the gospel and appreciate its power and beauty.
It challenges you to examine your life and faith
Another benefit of reading The Narrow Gate is that it challenges you to examine your life and faith honestly and critically. MacArthur does not mince words or spare feelings, but confronts us with the reality of our condition and the necessity of our response. He asks us to test ourselves and see if we are in the faith, or if we are self-deceived. He warns us of the danger of false assurance, of relying on our emotions, experiences, or works, rather than on God's Word and Spirit. He also encourages us to grow in our faith, to bear fruit in keeping with repentance, to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Reading this book will help you evaluate your life and faith and make necessary changes.
It inspires you to follow Jesus and obey His commands
A third benefit of reading The Narrow Gate is that it inspires you to follow Jesus and obey His commands wholeheartedly and joyfully. MacArthur does not present following Jesus as a burden or a duty, but as a privilege and a delight. He shows us the beauty and worthiness of Christ, who loved us and gave Himself for us. He also shows us the benefits and rewards of following Him, such as peace, joy, hope, purpose, security, and inheritance. He reminds us that following Jesus is not easy or comfortable, but costly and challenging. He calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him. He also teaches us how to obey His commands in various areas of our lives, such as worship, prayer, fellowship, service, witness, holiness, etc. Reading this book will help you follow Jesus and obey His commands more faithfully and fervently.
It equips you to share the good news with others
A fourth benefit of reading The Narrow Gate is that it equips you to share the good news with others effectively and confidently. MacArthur does not only explain the gospel message for us to understand and believe, but also for us to proclaim and defend. He gives us practical tips and examples on how to share the gospel with different kinds of people, such as atheists, agnostics, skeptics, cultists, nominal Christians, etc. He also teaches us how to answer common objections and questions that people have about the gospel, such as: How can you say that Jesus is the only way? How can you trust the Bible? What about other religions? Reading this book will help you share the gospel with others more boldly and wisely.
The Challenges of Reading The Narrow Gate
It confronts you with the reality of sin and judgment
One of the challenges of reading The Narrow Gate is that it confronts you with the reality of sin and judgment soberly and seriously. MacArthur does not gloss over or ignore the dark side of the gospel message, but exposes it fully and faithfully. He shows us how sinful we are by nature and by choice, how we have rebelled against God and broken His law. He also shows us how holy God is by character and by action, how He hates sin and punishes it with wrath. He warns us of the consequences of sin in this life and in the next: pain, sorrow, death, hell. Reading this book will make you face your sin and judgment honestly and humbly.
It exposes the deception of false teachers and doctrines
Another challenge of reading The Narrow Gate is that it exposes the deception of false teachers and doctrines sharply and clearly. MacArthur does not compromise or tolerate the error or heresy that pervades the church and the world, but refutes it strongly and scripturally. He shows us how false teachers use their charisma, popularity, or success to attract and deceive many people with their smooth words and outward appearance. He also shows us how false doctrines contradict or distort the truth of God's Word, Second table: Article with HTML formatting (continued) ```html such as prosperity gospel, universalism, legalism, antinomianism, etc. Reading this book will make you discern false teachers and doctrines carefully and biblically.
It demands a radical commitment and sacrifice
A third challenge of reading The Narrow Gate is that it demands a radical commitment and sacrifice earnestly and urgently. MacArthur does not present salvation as a cheap or easy thing, but as a costly and difficult one. He shows us that to enter the narrow gate, we must repent of our sins and believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. He also shows us that to walk the narrow way, we must obey His commands and follow His example. He tells us that this will require us to give up everything that hinders us from following Him, such as our sins, our self, our world, our possessions, our relationships, etc. He also tells us that this will expose us to various trials and tribulations, such as persecution, temptation, suffering, etc. Reading this book will make you commit and sacrifice everything for Jesus Christ willingly and joyfully.
It warns you of the dangers of apostasy and persecution
A fourth challenge of reading The Narrow Gate is that it warns you of the dangers of apostasy and persecution seriously and realistically. MacArthur does not promise us a smooth or comfortable journey on the narrow way, but a rough and risky one. He shows us that there are many enemies and obstacles that will try to stop us from following Jesus Christ faithfully and fruitfully. He warns us of the danger of apostasy, of falling away from the faith due to deception, doubt, or disobedience. He also warns us of the danger of persecution, of facing hostility and opposition from the world, the flesh, and the devil. He tells us that we must be prepared to endure hardship and suffering for the sake of Christ and His gospel. He also tells us that we must be faithful until the end to receive the crown of life. Reading this book will make you aware and alert of the dangers of apostasy and persecution.
Summary of the main points
In conclusion, The Narrow Gate is a book that reveals the truth about salvation and discipleship based on Jesus' teaching in Matthew 7:13-27. It helps us understand what the narrow gate is, why it is important to find the true path, and how we can download it for free. It also shows us the benefits and challenges of reading this book, such as understanding the gospel message, examining our life and faith, following Jesus and obeying His commands, sharing the good news with others, confronting our sin and judgment, exposing false teachers and doctrines, committing and sacrificing everything for Christ, and being aware of apostasy and persecution.
Call to action: download The Narrow Gate and read it today
If you want to know more about The Narrow Gate and how it can change your life and faith for the better, I urge you to download it for free from this website: You can also order a hard copy from Amazon or other online retailers for a small price. Don't delay or hesitate; download The Narrow Gate and read it today. You will not regret it.
Here are some frequently asked questions about The Narrow Gate:
Who is John MacArthur? John MacArthur is the pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969. He is also the president of The Master's University and Seminary, and the featured teacher of Grace to You media ministry. He has written over 400 books and study guides, including The MacArthur Study Bible.
What is Grace to You? Grace to You is a media ministry that broadcasts John MacArthur's sermons on radio, television, and online platforms around the world. It also produces books, CDs, DVDs, and other resources that help people grow in their knowledge and love of God's Word.
What is Matthew 7:13-27? Matthew 7:13-27 is a passage in the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus teaches about the two ways, the two trees, and the two foundations. He contrasts the broad way that leads to destruction and the narrow way that leads to life, the false prophets who produce bad fruit and the true prophets who produce good fruit, and the foolish builders who build on sand and the wise builders who build on rock.
What is the gospel message? The gospel message is the good news of God's love and justice, of Christ's death and resurrection, of sin and forgiveness, of faith and repentance, of grace and obedience. It is the message that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
How can I be saved? You can be saved by repenting of your sins and believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Repentance means turning away from your sins and turning to God. Belief means trusting in Jesus Christ and His finished work on the cross for your salvation. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.