Delphi Source Code Download UPDATED
Simple Antivirus Scanner - Scans entire folder (drive) and subfolders for files with specific extension (optional), then gets file MD5 hash, Size in bytes and compares the two values with values from database, in case of match displays "Infected: ... etc ...". It contains a database maker; the database contains a fake virus for test purposes that is also available in this source code (a console
delphi source code download
Please note older versions of the ICS source code had an internal check to only allow loading of the latest OpenSSL it was tested with, so you could not use new DLLs with an old application without recompiling with the latest version of ICS first.
The browser demo is in the ICS nightly zip, in the folder samples\delphi\browserdemo, the project is FrameBrowserIcs.dpr. An executable version of the new demo may also be downloaded from here, built with HtmlViewer 11.8 and ICS V8.69, using Delphi 11.0.
Source Forge provides the project with mailing lists and a CVS repository. At DUnit 's Source Forge page you'll be albe to download DUnit and its source code, subscribe to the mailing lists, and register for notification of new releases.
The MD5 Message Digest Unit is open source. It is copyright 2010-2014 by Peter Johnson. The source code is made available under the terms of the Mozilla Public License v2.0. All relevant trademarks are acknowledged.
The source code download is avaialable on the Code Central site of CodeGear. You need a valid login to downlaod, if I'm not wrong.I'll soon make the source code available in HTML format, for online browsing. Notice that you can also look at the example in a series of YouTube videos, hoted at the Delphi 2009 Handbook Videos page.There are two versions:
The author created example code in this publication expressly for the free use by its readers. The source code for this book is copyrighted freeware, distributed via the web site The copyright prevents you from republishing the code in print media without permission. Readers are granted limited permission to use this code in their applications, as long at the code itself is not distributed, sold, or commercially exploited as a stand-alone product. Permission to add limited pieces of code to your application is fine, regardless of the application's license.
Aside from this specific exception concerning source code, no part of this publication may be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or reproduced in any way, in the original or in a translated language, including but not limited to photocopy, photograph, magnetic, or other record, without the prior agreement and written permission of the publisher.
This book covers the current version of Delphi,Delphi 10.2 Tokyoas well as previous versions of Delphi. There will also be an accompanying download with source code which you can download from this page.
Appendix A in this book lists the URL for the code download.The examples described throughout this book are included in the codedownload. You will see notes throughout the text referring to either the projector folder that contains the project file. Refer to Appendix A in the section, Code Download, for details on using the code samples and where to place them(and appropriate directory paths for various versions of Windows).
Component to help with traversing directory structures. Will notify the owner when file or directory is found. Allows you to automate scanning a directory tree with one simple call. This is for Delphi 4 and 5, but the same source code alsoworks on Delphi 7.
I have described how I rebuilt the LNPG library from publicsource code using Borland's free C++ compiler, and provided Delphi interfaceunits in this Zip archive. You can downloadthe DLL for using these units from thispage. You need the newer, Pentium-optimised
These components were offered as part of my previous Delphi 3 applications. You may require some of these components should you wish to rebuild those earlierapplications. You must E-mail me for any source code for rebuilding the currentDelphi 4 or 5 applications. The library includes the items below, plus afew other goodies such as an LED:
You can download the Jedi Code Library directly from We offer a complete source pack, preview (a. k. a. development) versions, access to our version control system and additional documents & tools.
If you want to be informed when changes are made in the JCL source code. You may subscribe to the JCL mailing lists where messages are automatically sent each time files are modified in the JCL subversion repository:
Welcome to the download page for my Special Musical Number based on Code Monkey by Jonathan Coulton. Thanks to JoCo for licensing his song under Creative Commons CC-NC. My video is licensed under Creative Commons CC-NC-SA. You can freely share the video and build on it, just keep the sharing going, and provide attribution. Same for the code.
Testing code is something we all do. Whether it be manual usability testing, unit testing, or integration testing, knowing how much of the application is covered by the tests is important. Without knowing what parts of the application are covered, there is no way to know if key features are tested.When performing unit testing there is an analytical way to determine what parts of the source code are covered by the tests. This is typically call source code coverage. Working with Delphi, one of the tools that performs this task is called DelphiCodeCoverage (open source). It can be located on GitHub (more recent fork) and SourceForge. Under the hood this tool simply marks each line of source code as "hit" when the application calls it at least once. From there it can generate a detailed report giving the overall coverage statistics for the project, as well as the individual lines not hit in the testing.
To generate a code coverage report I decided to use DelphiCodeCoverage. The tool has a number of command line options, all of which are spelt out on the GitHub page. Some of the options are a little overwhelming in the effort they require. An example of this is passing a file that contains all the source directories to search for classes to include in the code coverage report. Thankfully there is a wizard supplied with DelphiCodeCoverage that will help generate a batch file containing the correct parameters to pass to DelphiCodeCoverage. In my project I have placed DelphiCodeCoverage into a sub-folder call "CodeCoverage" and included it into source control. There are two reasons I am doing this;1. The code coverage executable is now available everywhere the source is pulled to. 2. It simplifies the script I will need for the CI Server. If your uncomfortable with placing binaries into your source control, this can be altered without affecting the produced report. Running the code coverage wizard your presented with a page to enter the executable, map file, source, and output directory locations. Below are the settings I have used:
Note: Line breaks are only included above for readability. There are none in the resulting batch files.Another alteration that I have made to the batch file is to include the "-ife" option. The option will include file extensions. This means that it will stop a unit like "Common.Encoding" being 'converted' to "Common". As in my project I have unit called "Core.Cards.pas" this option is required to have it included in generated code coverage report. Next the relative path change should be applied to the two generated list files dcov_paths.lst and dcov_units.lst. The paths file should be the only one that has path in need of altering to be relative. Both however need to be checked to make sure they contain everything to be covered in the report. If there are source folders missing they need to be added to the dcov_paths.lst file. If there are unit names missing they need to be added to the dcov_units.lst file. Now that the batch file and list files have been corrected running the dcov_executable.bat should produce summary out similar to that below. Note that the unit test project needs to be compiled as DelphiCodeCoverage runs the unit test executable.
With the code coverage batch file we are now able to run code coverage on any system, include on a continuous integration system. Our goal with the continuous integration is to have the unit tests built and run each time a set of code is checked into source control. This will allow us to then track if any unit tests fail, and changes in the code coverage. To achieve this I have create a Continua CI configuration that builds my unit test project, runs the unit tests under code coverage, and then import the unit test results into the build summary.
The FinalBuilder action calls the FinalBuilder project responsible for compiling the DUnitX unit test project. It uses the CI configuration so that the unit tests executable will run to completion, and will produce an NUnit XML results file in the same directory as the executable. It is important to build the unit tests each time as the source code for our project would have changed each time we run the continuous integration. Note that you do not have to use FinalBuilder, you can also use MSBuild to build your DUnitX Project - see Integrating DUnitX Unit Testing with Continua CI.The execute program action simply runs the code coverage batch file generated above. This batch file will run the unit test project we compiled and log code coverage information as it does. The result will be a summary written out to our build log while also html files written to the report folder we specified in the batch file. It is these html files which we will attach to the continuous build report a little later.
Results: Here we report a comprehensive suite for the well-known Poisson-Boltzmann solver, DelPhi, enriched with additional features to facilitate DelPhi usage. The suite allows for easy download of both DelPhi executable files and source code along with a makefile for local installations. The users can obtain the DelPhi manual and parameter files required for the corresponding investigation. Non-experienced researchers can download examples containing all necessary data to carry out DelPhi runs on a set of selected examples illustrating various DelPhi features and demonstrating DelPhi's accuracy against analytical solutions.