Empowering Transformation

ALOHA & NAMASTE, I'm Rishi and I am an ENERGY COACH and HUMAN POTENTIALIST. I also teach MEDITATION, but with a FUN twist 😜
I use ENERGETIC TOOLS, teachings and practices, to help people get UNSTUCK in their lives and to help them reconnect and AWAKEN their true INNER POTENTIALS and AUTHENTIC EXPRESSION.
I AM here to empower your transformation because YOU are a POWERFUL CREATOR and of VALUE to this world. I won't go on about my achievements and successes, what I really want you to know about me is that I truly care about helping you get UNSTUCK and discover your true INNER POWER and find DIRECTION towards creating a life that really has MEANING and PURPOSE.
I AM committed to helping you realize your GREATEST POTENTIALS and discover the BEST VERSION of yourself.
Hear testimonials of how
The BEINGLIMITLESS Journey is inspiring meaningful changes in peoples lives...
Upcoming Journeys
The BEINGLIMITLESS Journey is held over a 3 week period over Zoom video conference.
Participants are expected to attend all three of the Sessions.
The BEINGLIMITLESS Journey is a one-of-a-kind transformative workshop and a highly personal journey for each participant.
I’ll be honest, if you are more of an “information gatherer” who likes the idea of Being Limitless and having more Freedom, Success, Health, Time, Confidence, Peace, Spirituality, etc… but isn’t serious or ready to go deep and connect consciously with your true self – save yourself the time and investment.
BUT if you KNOW that you are here for more, ready to take action, get out of your comfort zone, and use the Limitless tools and strategies taught to learn how to create the reality you choose, the life you want to live, then this might just be what you are looking for.
If you’ve made it this far, perhaps you have been guided to right here and right now at the perfect point in your life to take action. Coincidence? We don’t believe in those either.

Upcoming TrueMana Events
- RSVP to express your interestGroup Coaching
- Time is TBD due to Covid safety measuresStay tuned for updates
- Time is TBD due to Covid safety measuresStay tuned for updates
- RSVP to express your interestHive Meetings will take place on Zoom